Preview & Sync Project

To preview Anima’s prototyping features:

  1. Select existing Anima Project/Team from the dropdown menu or create a new Project/Team
  2. Select artboards you wish to preview
    —If artboards are not connected by links or Breakpoints, only the select artboards will upload
    —If artboards are connected by Links or Breakpoints, selecting only one will automatically upload all connected artboards
  3. Click Preview in Browser. This will open a private draft of your Adobe XD document in the browser.

Preview in browser

About Drafts Previews

  • Only you can see and edit your Drafts
  • The design will not appear in your Anima Projects until you Sync to it
  • Each Draft has its own version number and you can always roll-back the live version to a previous Draft

Sync Draft to a Project

Once you are happy with how your private draft looks in the browser and want to share it or start collaborating with others, you need to sync it to an Anima project.

You can always roll-back to a previously synced version.

Sync to  Projects from the web app