

With Anima, you can embed Videos, GIFs, and Lottie files in your Anima websites and prototype right in Sketch.

Videos can be in the form of a video player or simply a cover/hero video without any control buttons.

Supported Video links are:

The embedded video player can have these settings:

Video/GIF Interface

How To Embed Videos, GIFs, or Lottie files:

To embed a video to your website:

  1. Select the layer that will become the video
  2. Go to Prototype, expand the Smart Layers section, and select Video/GIF
  3. Paste your video’s URL
  4. Choose the Playback Settings: Auto Play, Loop, No Controls, Cover
  5. Save

To see it, click Preview in Browser in the Anima Panel.


If you want to embed locally stored files, go to your Project Settings, and in the Files tab, you can upload your videos/GIFs files from your computer and Anima will create a direct .mp4, .gif url that you can embed in the Video/GIF Smart Layer in Sketch.



Landing Page Demo

Full-width cover video for a landing page:

Video/GIF in Sketch

Video Players Demo

Test all the different video sources, YouTube, Vimeo, mp4, GIF: