Manage Access Levels

Members & Roles

Members and roles cover


Owner Viewer

  • This is suitable for a manager that wants to create a team but does not need to contribute to the design or code work and therefore doesn’t need a paid seat.

Owner Contributor

  • They can manage the account and work on Projects alongside their team. They are most often department heads or team managers that run a design team.




Viewer Member Example

A designer wants to invite someone for feedback. This person will only need to run the prototype and leave comments but will not view or export code. By inviting them as Viewers, no extra paid seats are needed


The fourth type of member is Guest.

Guests are similar to Viewers, but the difference is that Guests can only have access to the project they were invited to and not the entire team the project belongs in.

Learn how to invite Guests.

Change Roles or Access Levels

  1. Go to your team in Anima
  2. Switch to the Settings tab
  3. Click Edit on the Members section
  4. Click on the drop-down menu next to the member’s email address

Edit Member Role